Form a Arizona DBA

What is the purpose of filing a DBA in Arizona?

Filing a DBA or a doing business as with the state will prevent any confusion or lack of information on who the true owner of the company is.  Anybody can start and run a business in their own name but this is rarely done since most people want a separate name for their business.  Therefore filing a DBA prevents people from hiding information about the company’s owner.

Filing a DBA in Arizona is done with the Secretary of State and not with the individual counties as is the case with most states.  The DBA filing with the Secretary of State is good for all counties.

What is the DBAs duration?

To maintain your DBA¡¯s status, you must refile with the Secretary of State every five years.  Failure to refile may result in the loss of use of the DBA name.  You should check the name availability of the DBA before filing however.  The DBA names are regulated in the same way as LLC and corporation names.

Is there a publication requirement?

In filing a DBA in Arizona, you only need to file the DBA with the Secretary of State.  Once file you¡¯re all set.  There is no publication requirement for the state of Arizona.  In most states there is a publication requirement so Arizona makes things somewhat easier to file a DBA.


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