Nevada DBA

What is a Nevada DBA?

A DBA or Doing Business As is a filing with the county clerks office in Nevada so that you can operate your business under a name other than the name of yourself or corporation.  The reasoning behind this filing is that if you wish to conduct your business under a different name, it prevents confusion amongst the public as to who the real owner of the business is.

A DBA is also commonly referred to in other states as an Assumed Name, Fictitious name, or trade name.  It is somewhat confusion with the different names for the same thing.  However, in most cases when you mention a DBA, most people in local county clerks office will know what you are referring to.  Also, in order to open business type accounts at banks, filing a DBA is a minimum requirement

How often do you need to file a DBA?

In most states including Nevada, the DBA will last 5 years.  Once the 5 years have elapsed, you will need to refile the DBA with the county clerks office or risk forfeiture of the DBA.  DBA names are subject to the same rules as LLC and corporation names.  Therefore it is important to maintain ownership of your DBA name.  If you fail to renew, you may just need to refile the DBA in the same manner.

What is the publication requirement?

In Nevada, once the DBA has been filed with the county clerks office, you will need to complete the publication requirement.  The county clerk requires that all DBA registrations be published once a week for four consecutive weeks.  This is so that the public as adequate time to see the notice and also to have confirmation that the DBA has been recorded and is of public record.


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